
Monday, March 17, 2008

Pimpin' Aint Easy

Lynette and I are still getting the kinks worked out of the craft night we started a few months ago. I've decided I am the craft night pimp. I made so many calls today trying to collect our money from people who still owed. I just need some gold chains and a cane. Here is part one of last month's project. It's 6x12 inches. Cute idea Lynette! The second craft we did that night will get posted about shortly.


  1. Now you just need to write "Pimpin' Ain't Easy" in huge letters with pecans (or whatever it was) on the sidewalk outside of the church. That'll grab their attention and get your money...

  2. i loved how this one turned out. it's on my hutch in my piano room. it just gets me in the mood for spring. and i think it's finally arrived here.
