While at the store he decided that "he" wanted a new miter saw. He has an entire workshop of every tool imaginable at home in Texas. And obviously he can't fit such a thing on the airplane when he goes home on Monday. She he bought "himself" this new toy but will keep it at our house. That is his way of buying me something without imasculating my husband or spoiling me.
So now sitting in my garage, is a 10 inch, 14 amp, Ryobi compound miter saw with laser beam. We have a few things to work on before he heads back to Texas (like building me four saw horses!!) I am so happy that this will be sitting in my garage and that he is gracious enough to let me use "his" saw whenever I want to.
I am SOOOO jealous!!
Alicia, if you lived closer we'd totally get together for a lumber cutting party!!
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